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1 TFM - Ignore the Voice of Insecurity

First read the General Instructions. Click here.
(and for Main Introduction, Click here)

Here’s the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SECTION for Transformation 1 (Ignore the Voice of Insecurity), highlighting the key differences from the GENERAL DESCRIPTION:

Focus on Disengagement: In Transformation 1, your central goal on the Self-Discovery Page is to identify the Voice of Insecurity and practice actively disengaging from it. You’re not trying to analyze or understand it deeply – the emphasis is on minimizing its influence.

Techniques of Disregard: When the Voice of Insecurity arises, your primary tool is deliberate disregard. Practice techniques like:

  • Labeling: Simply acknowledge the thought as “Voice of Insecurity” and mentally dismiss it.
  • Distraction: Switch your focus to something neutral or positive to interrupt the negative thought pattern.
  • Refocusing: Direct your attention towards a task, action, or something in your surroundings.

Notice the Immediate Effects: Pay close attention to how disengaging from the Voice of Insecurity impacts your immediate feelings and mental state. Do you experience a lessening of negativity, anxiety, or hesitation? Record these shifts.

Non-Analysis: While some labeling of the Voice of Insecurity is necessary, avoid overanalyzing its content. Transformation 1 is about recognizing it as a disruptive force and not getting entangled with the specific thoughts.

Key Differences from the General Description

  • The General Description encourages observation of both the Voice of Insecurity and Voice of Security. Transformation 1 places exclusive attention on the Voice of Insecurity.
  • The focus is on practicing immediate disengagement rather than deep understanding or reframing of the inner critic.