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Morning checkin

4 TFM - Act despite the Voice of Insecurity

(Frist read the Main Introduction, Click here)

Start your day by setting an intention. Think about what you want to focus on today and how you can make it happen. Write down your thoughts in your Journal. 

Remember: in the 4th Transformation: Act despite the Voice of Insecurity, here Action builds momentum. Don’t always wait for fear or doubt to vanish completely before taking steps towards your goals.

So let those thoughts come in and embrace/ welcome them.

Below you will find 30 intentions.
We suggest you only pick one intention that matches the week (1-4) and day for each month.

week 1

Today, I will take bold steps towards my goals, even in the face of doubt and fear.

I choose courage over comfort, knowing that greatness lies on the other side of my fears.

Despite any lingering insecurities, I will pursue my dreams with unwavering determination.

I refuse to let fear hold me back from reaching my full potential and achieving my aspirations.

Today, I will push past my comfort zone and embrace the challenges that come my way.

I trust in my ability to persevere and succeed, regardless of any inner doubts or uncertainties.

Despite the voice of insecurity whispering in my ear, I will press forward with confidence and resilience.

Today, I will silence the voice of insecurity and take bold action towards creating the life I desire.

week 2

I am the master of my fate, and I will not allow the voice of insecurity to dictate my actions.

Today, I will silence my inner critic and take decisive action towards my dreams and aspirations.

I refuse to be paralyzed by fear, choosing instead to move forward with determination and purpose.

Despite any doubts or fears that may arise, I will remain steadfast in my pursuit of success.

I embrace the discomfort of uncertainty, knowing that it is a necessary step on the path to growth.

Today, I will confront my fears head-on and take proactive steps towards achieving my goals.

I am capable, resilient, and worthy of success, regardless of any inner insecurities.

I choose to believe in myself and my abilities, regardless of any inner doubts or uncertainties.

week 3

Despite the voice of doubt that may linger, I will continue to strive for excellence in all that I do.

I choose resilience over retreat, knowing that every challenge I face only makes me stronger.

Today, I will challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities.

I refuse to let fear dictate my choices, instead choosing to act with courage and determination.

Despite any setbacks or obstacles that may arise, I will remain focused on my goals and determined to succeed.

I trust in my ability to overcome adversity and achieve greatness, despite any inner doubts or insecurities.

Today, I will face my fears head-on and take decisive action towards realizing my dreams.

week 4

I am resilient, resourceful, and capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way.

Despite the voice of insecurity that may whisper doubts in my ear, I will press forward with confidence and determination.

I refuse to be held back by fear, choosing instead to embrace the unknown with courage and resilience.

Today, I will challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone and seize new opportunities for growth.

I trust in my ability to navigate uncertainty and adversity with grace and resilience.

Despite any inner doubts or insecurities, I will remain steadfast in my pursuit of excellence.

I am worthy of success and fulfillment, and I will not let fear stand in the way of my dreams.