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Morning checkin
5 TFM - Befriend your Inner Voice
(Frist read the Main Introduction, Click here)
Start your day by setting an intention. Think about what you want to focus on today and how you can make it happen. Write down your thoughts in your Journal.Â
Remember: in the 5th Transformation: Befriend your Inner Voice, here both the Voice of Insecurity and the Voice of Security are parts of you. Acceptance and understanding will lead to less internal conflict and a healthier mindset overall.
So let those thoughts come in and embrace/ welcome them.
Below you will find 30 intentions.
We suggest you only pick one intention that matches the week (1-4) and day for each month.
week 1
Today, I will embrace my inner dialogue with compassion and understanding, knowing that both the voice of insecurity and the voice of security are valuable parts of my experience.
I choose to cultivate a harmonious relationship with my inner voice, accepting its presence without judgment or resistance.
Despite any inner conflicts or uncertainties, I will treat myself with kindness and empathy, recognizing that my inner dialogue is a reflection of my humanity.
I embrace the diversity of my inner narrative, honoring both the challenges and strengths it brings to my journey.
Today, I will listen to my inner voice with curiosity and openness, seeking to understand its messages with a compassionate heart.
I choose to befriend my inner voice, acknowledging its role in shaping my perceptions and experiences.
Despite any inner turmoil or confusion, I will extend love and acceptance towards myself, knowing that my inner dialogue is a reflection of my innermost desires and fears.
Today, I will listen to my inner voice with reverence and gratitude, allowing its wisdom to illuminate my path forward.
week 2
I embrace the complexities of my inner world, recognizing that every thought and emotion serves a purpose in my personal growth and development.
Today, I will nurture a sense of connection with my inner voice, cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and acceptance.
I choose to view my inner dialogue as a source of wisdom and insight, trusting in its guidance as I navigate life’s challenges.
Despite any inner conflicts or doubts, I will approach myself with gentleness and compassion, knowing that self-acceptance is the key to inner peace.
I embrace the richness of my inner landscape, exploring its depths with curiosity and reverence.
Today, I will honor the diversity of my inner voice, embracing its nuances and contradictions with an open heart.
I choose to befriend my inner dialogue, recognizing that it holds the keys to my deepest truths and desires.
I choose to cultivate a deep sense of friendship with my inner dialogue, trusting in its guidance as I navigate the complexities of life.
week 3
Despite any inner struggles or uncertainties, I will treat myself with kindness and understanding, knowing that self-compassion is the foundation of personal growth.
I embrace the complexity of my inner world, acknowledging that every thought and emotion is a valuable part of my human experience.
Today, I will listen to my inner voice with patience and curiosity, allowing its wisdom to guide me towards greater understanding and self-awareness.
I choose to cultivate a sense of friendship with my inner dialogue, honoring its presence as a cherished companion on my journey.
Despite any inner conflicts or insecurities, I will approach myself with love and acceptance, knowing that self-compassion is the key to inner healing
I embrace the diversity of my inner narrative, recognizing that it holds the power to transform my perceptions and experiences.
Today, I will nurture a deep sense of connection with my inner voice, trusting in its guidance as I navigate life’s twists and turns.
week 4
I choose to view my inner dialogue as a source of strength and resilience, knowing that it carries within it the seeds of my deepest truths and aspirations.
Despite any inner turmoil or doubts, I will treat myself with patience and understanding, knowing that self-acceptance is the cornerstone of inner peace.
I embrace the complexity of my inner landscape, exploring its depths with curiosity and compassion.
Today, I will honor the richness of my inner world, embracing its contradictions and complexities with an open mind and heart.
I choose to befriend my inner voice, recognizing that it holds the key to unlocking my fullest potential and truest self.
Despite any inner conflicts or uncertainties, I will approach myself with kindness and gentleness, knowing that self-love is the foundation of personal growth.
I embrace the diversity of my inner narrative, acknowledging that it reflects the complexity and beauty of my human experience.