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Monthly Challenges

1 TFM - Ignore the Voice of Insecurity

First read the General Instructions. Click here.
(and for Main Introduction, Click here)

Here’s a breakdown of 12 months of challenges tailored specifically for 1st Transformation: Ignore the Voice of Insecurity.
Remember, the focus here is on developing techniques to disregard negative internal chatter.

This Transformation focuses on disengaging from negativity, not trying to change it.

Important Note: The distinction is that Transformation 1 is about disregarding and even soaking in the negativity (so embrace the negativity),

  • but is not yet about entertaining it (Transformation 2, Use the Voice of Insecurity for amusement and inspiration), boosting positivity (Transformation 3, Let the Voice of Security be your guide), acting despite it (Transformation 4, Act despite the Voice of Insecurity ), or understanding it (Transformation 5, Befriend your Inner Voice).

Important Note 2:

  • Flexibility is Key: Adapt challenges to your needs. If something feels too hard, scale it down or get inner voice coach support.
  • Celebrate Progress: Focus on how far you’ve come, not perfection. Any shift away from the voice of insecurity is a victory!
  • This is Ongoing: Even after 12 months, the work continues. Your tools become stronger with practice.

Select the current month to get your (negative) challenge.

Identifying Your Triggers

Challenge 1: Notice Your “Hot Buttons.” For a few days, journal whenever the voice of insecurity gets loud. What situations, thoughts, or people seem to trigger it?

Challenge 2: Categorize Your Triggers. Are your triggers mostly internal (self-doubts) or external (criticism, specific situations)?

Challenge 3: Plan a Distraction. Choose one simple, healthy distraction technique to use when a trigger arises (deep breaths, focus on an object, etc.).

Building Mental Muscle

Challenge 1: The “Stop” Technique. When a negative thought arises, firmly tell yourself “STOP!” Visualize a stop sign for extra impact.

Challenge 2: Thought Replacement. Immediately after the “STOP,” replace the negative thought with a neutral or mildly positive one.

Challenge 3: The 5-Minute Rule. Commit to ignoring the insecure voice for just 5 minutes. Set a timer and distract yourself with a simple activity.

Detaching From The Drama

Challenge 1: Name Your Insecure Voice. Give it a silly name to lessen its power (e.g., “Debbie Downer” or “Worry Wart”).

Challenge 2: Observe, Don’t Engage. When “Debbie” starts talking, imagine watching her on a TV screen. Notice her words without getting sucked in.

Challenge 3: The “So What?” Response. When your inner critic pipes up, mentally shrug and say, “So what?” Repeat as needed.

Reframing Reality

Challenge 1: The Evidence Test. When a negative thought arises, ask yourself: “What’s the actual evidence for this?”

Challenge 2: Find the Counterpoint. For every insecure thought, try to come up with a realistic, more balanced alternative.

Challenge 3: Focus on What You Can Control. When faced with a negative thought, shift your attention to one small action you CAN take.

Compassionate Disregard

Challenge 1: Acknowledge, Then Release. Briefly acknowledge the insecure thought (“Okay, I hear you”) then let it float away like a cloud.

Challenge 2: The “Bored Now” Technique. Treat negative thoughts like a boring conversation. Mentally say, “Bored now,” and redirect your focus.

Challenge 3: Offer Self-Compassion. When you struggle, remind yourself, “This is hard, but I’m trying my best.”

Mindfulness Mastery

Challenge 1:
5 Minutes of Focused Breath. Daily, sit comfortably and focus solely on your breath. Let thoughts pass without judgment.

Challenge 2:
Body Scan Meditation. Find a guided body scan meditation and practice tuning into physical sensations, ignoring thoughts.

Challenge 3:
Mindful Moments in Daily Life. Choose one routine activity (brushing teeth, washing dishes) to do with full awareness.

Distraction as a Tool

Challenge 1: Plan Your Arsenal. Create a list of 3-5 activities that quickly shift your focus away from negativity (puzzle, upbeat music, etc.)

Challenge 2:
Strategic Distraction. When negativity gets intense, immediately engage in one of your chosen distractions.

Challenge 3:
Productive Distraction. Choose distractions that also contribute to a goal (learning a new skill, tidying up, etc.)

Building New Confidence Habits

Challenge 1: Tiny Wins Journal. Each day, note one small accomplishment, no matter how minor.

Challenge 2:
Gratitude Shift. When negativity arises, counter it with 3 things you’re grateful for.

Challenge 3:
Post-It Positivity. Write positive affirmations on sticky notes and place them in visible spots.

Combining Techniques

Challenge 1: The Multi-Pronged Attack: Choose a common insecure thought pattern. Design a 3-step plan using previous techniques (e.g., “Stop” technique + thought replacement + brief distraction).

Challenge 2: The “Scenario Toolkit”: Identify 2-3 situations that often trigger your insecurity. Create a customized “toolkit” of techniques for each scenario.

Challenge 3: Journal and Reflect: Chart your progress. Which technique combinations work best for you? Where do you still face challenges?

Real-World Challenges

Challenge 1: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone: Identify one small thing you avoid due to the voice of insecurity (making a call, giving a presentation). Break it into tiny steps and take the first one with your techniques in hand.

Challenge 2: The “Assertive but Kind” Challenge: Practice responding to critique or a difficult person. Use inner voice techniques to stay calm and use assertive “I” statements.

Challenge 3: Facing Your Fears Head-On: With practitioner support, gradually expose yourself to a bigger fear, using your inner voice management skills throughout.

Personalized Support and Refinement

Challenge 1:
Practitioner Collaboration: Discuss biggest remaining struggles with your practitioner. Get tailored strategies and support.

Challenge 2:
Identifying Your “Kryptonite”: Are there specific thoughts or situations that still derail you? Deep dive into them with your practitioner.

Challenge 3:
Fine-Tuning Your Toolkit: Reflect on your most effective techniques. Create a personalized “quick reference” guide for when negativity strikes.

Advanced Techniques and Maintenance

Challenge 1: Explore Advanced Mindfulness: Investigate mindfulness practices that resonate with you (loving-kindness meditation, self-compassion techniques).

Challenge 2: “The Observer” Technique: Practice stepping into a detached observer role, watching your thoughts without judgment. Notice how this lessens their power.

Challenge 3: Building a Maintenance Plan: Reflect on your journey. What techniques will become daily habits? How will you handle setbacks?