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Weekly Goal Setting

4 TFM - Act despite the Voice of Insecurity

First read the General Instructions. Click here.
(and for Main Introduction, Click here)

Here’s a breakdown of goals and actions tailored to the 4th Transformation: Act despite the Voice of Insecurity.

This Transformation emphasizes action. The focus is on building the courage to pursue goals even in the presence of negative emotions and internal dialogues. It integrates skills from Transformation 1, 2, and 3.

Important Note: The distinction is that Transformation 4 is about acting despite it, and

  • builds on: disregarding and even soaking in the negativity (Transformation 1, Ignore the Voice of Security), and entertaining it (Transformation 2, Use the Voice of Insecurity for amusement and inspiration), and boosting positivity (Transformation 3, Let the Voice of Security be your guide),
  • but is not yet about, understanding it (Transformation 5, Befriend your Inner Voice).

Based on the Month, select your Week’s Goal

Jan - May - Sept

Main Goal: Take Courageous Steps Towards Personal Growth

Specific Actions:
– Identify one fear or limiting belief and commit to confronting it head-on this week.
– Break down daunting tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make progress despite doubts.
– Seek support from a mentor or trusted friend to provide encouragement and accountability.

Main Goal: Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Specific Actions:
– Challenge the fear of failure by setting a goal that involves risk-taking or trying something new.
– Reflect on past failures and extract valuable lessons to inform future decisions and actions.
– Cultivate a growth mindset by reframing setbacks as stepping stones towards success.

Main Goal: Overcome Procrastination and Perfectionism

Specific Actions:
– Set deadlines for tasks and commit to completing them without obsessing over perfection.
– Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one step at a time.
– Practice self-compassion and acknowledge progress, even if it falls short of perfection.

Main Goal: Challenge Negative Self-Talk and Inner Critic

Specific Actions:
– Identify recurring negative thoughts or self-doubts and challenge them with evidence of past successes.
– Practice affirmations and positive self-talk to counteract the influence of the inner critic.
– Seek out supportive environments and surround yourself with positive influences to boost self-confidence.

Main Goal: Take Initiative and Seize Opportunities

Specific Actions:
– Actively seek out opportunities for growth and advancement in personal and professional spheres.
– Volunteer for tasks or projects that stretch your comfort zone and expand your skill set.
– Practice assertiveness by expressing your ideas and opinions with confidence and conviction.

Feb - June - Oct

Main Goal: Cultivate a Bias Towards Action

Specific Actions:
– Prioritize action over analysis paralysis by committing to taking at least one proactive step each day.
– Set clear, actionable goals with specific deadlines and hold yourself accountable to them.
– Embrace imperfection and learn to iterate and adjust course along the way.

Main Goal: Develop a Resilient Mindset in the Face of Adversity

Specific Actions:
– Cultivate a sense of perspective by reframing setbacks as temporary and surmountable challenges.
– Practice self-care and stress-management techniques to bolster resilience and emotional well-being.
– Draw strength from past successes and experiences of overcoming adversity to navigate current challenges.

Main Goal: Prioritize Progress Over Perfection

Specific Actions:
– Focus on incremental progress and celebrate small wins along the way to larger goals.
– Embrace the concept of “good enough” and resist the urge to procrastinate in pursuit of perfection.
– Practice self-compassion and acknowledge effort and progress, even when outcomes fall short of expectations.

Main Goal: Develop a Bias Towards Action

Specific Actions:
– Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps and commit to completing them.
– Set specific deadlines and hold yourself accountable for meeting them, even in the face of uncertainty or doubt.
– Cultivate a growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Main Goal: Cultivate Grit and Persistence in Pursuit of Goals

Specific Actions:
– Set ambitious yet attainable goals and commit to seeing them through to completion.
– Embrace setbacks and failures as valuable learning experiences that contribute to long-term success.
– Practice perseverance and resilience by staying focused on goals despite obstacles or setbacks.

Mar - July - Nov

Main Goal:“Just start” challenge: Pick tasks you avoid, commit to beginning them even if fear is present.

Specific Actions:
-Set a 10-minute timer, focus solely on initiating the task, not finishing.
-Break down a big task into ridiculously small “starts” to lower the barrier.
-Pair a feared action with something enjoyable immediately after.

Main Goal:Exposure practice: Gradually face small, uncomfortable situations to build tolerance.

Specific Actions:
-Make a “Fear Ladder” of 10 steps, easy to hard, related to one specific fear.
-Complete just the first step on the ladder this week, track your feelings.
-If social fear is present, practice making eye contact for longer periods.

Main Goal: The “5-second rule”: When hesitation hits, count down from 5 and take a small, positive action.

Specific Actions
-Practice this with simple movements: standing, putting a dish away, etc.)
-Apply it to starting a task you’ve put off (email draft, 1 page of reading).
-Track each time you use the rule successfully, no matter how small the action.

Main Goal:Imperfect action focus: Prioritize taking action over doing it perfectly.

Specific Actions:
-Have a “messy draft” day – write, build, etc., with zero focus on quality.
-Send an email you’ve overthought, aiming for ‘good enough’ instead of ideal.
-Do a task you usually put off in a deliberately sloppy way, notice the outcome.

Main Goal:“Scared AND…” mindset: Practice adding “and” after fears to keep taking action.

Specific Actions:
-“I’m nervous about this presentation AND I’m going to prep my slides.”
-“I feel awkward socializing AND I’m going to introduce myself to one person.”
-Journal about the feeling of doing action despite the fear.

Apr - Aug - Dec

Main Goal:Separate fear from fact: Challenge predictions of failure or discomfort through reality checks.

Specific Actions:
-Write down worst-case scenarios, then make a list of alternative outcomes.
-Do a small thing you’re afraid of, then journal the actual outcome vs. feared.
-Notice when the Voice of Insecurity predicts the future, counter it with “Maybe but…”

Main Goal:Vulnerability skill-building: Learn to open up about fears confidentially.

Specific Actions:
-Identify one safe person to talk to about anxieties you normally hide.
-Find resources on vulnerability (books, podcasts) and study how it’s a strength.
-Write a letter you won’t send, expressing a struggle honestly.

Main Goal:What if I succeed?” focus: Shift attention towards positive possibilities, despite discomfort.

Specific Actions:
-Brainstorm 3 “too good to be true” outcomes for something you’re pursuing.
-Daydream about success as though the fear is already overcome.
-Make a “celebration plan” for reaching a goal, even if it feels premature.

Main Goal: Track the wins: Celebrate each act of bravery, no matter how small.

Specific Actions:
-Use a “Courage Jar” – add notes on times you faced the Voice of Insecurity.
-Find an app for tracking streaks/accomplishments, log each ‘fear-faced’ act.
-Plan a way to reward yourself, tied to a specific number of brave actions.

Main Goal: Physical support skills: Learn calming techniques for when fear spikes.

Specific Actions
-Research box breathing/grounding exercises, practice at least 5 minutes daily.
-Try a body scan meditation to identify physical sensations of anxiety.
-Pair a calming activity (tea, nature walk) with facing a discomfort zone.