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Daily Reflection

2 TFM - Use the Voice of Insecurity for amusement and inspiration

(Frist read the Main Introduction, Click here)

It’s time to think about how we feel and what we think.
Look at the special question in your Journal (below). Think about it for a little while.

Remember: in the 2nd Transformation: Use the Voice of Insecurity for Amusement and Inspiration, here The Voice of Insecurity can be a surprising source of creativity and motivation if we learn to approach it with the right perspective.

So let those thoughts come in and embrace/ welcome them.

The Reflections will help you do this! 
We suggest you only pick one reflection that matches the week (1-4) and day for each month.

week 1

How did I turn my fears into sources of motivation today?

What negative thoughts did I reinterpret to fuel my creativity?

In what ways did I find inspiration from my anxieties and doubts?

How did I embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth?

What aspects of my life did I approach with a sense of amusement?

How did I turn my worries into humorous anecdotes?

What fears did I face head-on, turning them into challenges to overcome?

How did I view my fears as opportunities for personal growth?

What anxieties did I reframe as challenges to overcome?

week 2

How did I use my insecurities as a springboard for new ideas?

What tasks did I tackle today that initially seemed daunting?

How did I transform my self-doubt into a catalyst for action?

What anxious thoughts did I reframe into positive affirmations?

In what ways did I find amusement in my perceived weaknesses?

How did I channel my fears into productive energy?

What anxious moments did I turn into opportunities for self-reflection?

How did I find joy in the face of uncertainty?

What fears did I confront today with a sense of adventure?

week 3

How did I use my insecurities to empathize with others?

What negative emotions did I transmute into creative expression?

How did I leverage my doubts to push beyond my comfort zone?

What fears did I confront today with a sense of curiosity?

In what ways did I turn my anxieties into learning opportunities?

How did I find inspiration in the face of uncertainty?

What anxious thoughts did I challenge and reshape into positive beliefs?

In what ways did I use my insecurities to foster resilience?

How did I turn my doubts into a driving force for success?

week 4

How did I find humor in my moments of self-doubt?

What fears did I acknowledge and then bravely move forward despite them?

How did I use my insecurities to connect with others on a deeper level?

What worries did I transform into actionable plans for improvement?

How did I turn my doubts into stepping stones towards progress?

How did I turn my doubts into stepping stones towards progress?

What negative self-talk did I counter with empowering affirmations?

What anxious moments did I approach with an open mind and heart?

How did I find inspiration in my moments of self-doubt?