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Course Category: wealth-english

Course Category: relation-english

Course Category: health-english

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question. For starters you should listen to someone that has walked the walk and not only talks the talks. Then you should also listen to someone who is now where you want to be. But – and that’s important, not somewhere where the change of you getting “there” is close to zero. That’s why it does not make sense to listen to masters or experts or billionaires or outliers or “one offs”. Sorry to say: you will never get there in the sort run. How we know this? Because you are now reading this. Outliers follow a different path. Again sorry.So why listen to us? We are ahead of you. But still within reach. We will guarantee this. That’s also why we have the time to put in all the effort of building the 3 minute course platform and recording hundreds of lessons. We have this time because we know what we are talking about, but we are far form being a billionaire. Someone who is a billionaire has always lost touch with reality. Nothing they do – they do by themselves. Even the smallest thing. They can and will hire a team. They can move the needle very easily. You can not. So you need advice from someone who has just “made it”, but still has  a touch with reality. Someone who will not try to be a fake guru just to make money. No someone who knows and is willing to put in the effort to help you.

You should not. That’s why the 5 minutes course works. You do not have to invest huge amounts of money. You do not have to waist hours of your valuable time and hope for the best. 5 minutes is all we ask for you to see that you can change your life. One step at the time and no – no liar scheme on how to achieve an overnight succes and buy that lambo. As always. A journey of a thousand miles, begins with the first step. 

Great question and somewhat the same answer to the question “why should we listen to you”. It does not make sense for you to listen to one-offs, outliers, celebrities, experts or the absolute captains of an industry. That’s great for marketing, trying to make you believe that you can be “just like them” when you just “listen to them”. That’s not true. If it worked, everybody would become industry leaders. That’s not the case. Why? All those people are not in your shoes. Even the smallest thing is very easy for them to say. They probably did not even had the time to write their own course script, do all the work. Yes – they worked their ass of – for many – many – many years. And now, with all the good intentions, they believe they can also help you succeed. They can’t. Understand. Every day, the whole day – all people that surround them, will tell them how great they are. When they have an idea, everybody will start running. You on the other hand. You have to break open closed doors and often only a small group of people will listen to you. Of course you can still sign up for these platforms, because you never should stop learning. But.. please do not expect that this will have a long lasting impact on your life. 

Yes and no. Yes because guarantees are easy to give. And most companies do just that. What they do not tell you however is that there are certain conditions you must meet in order to actually get a refund. This does not make sense and this is not the mentality you will learn when you enroll in our courses. So the straightforward answer: no. But, you can start small, you can even watch previews but in the end: You have to jump to change your life. We hope you will.