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“We’re All Special!”

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The stories age 4+ are deliberately written in language that is understandable for parents. So extra explanation is (intentionally) required while reading the bedtime story. This creates more intense parent-child relationship.

Once upon a time, there was a big, beautiful garden where many different types of flowers grew. Each flower was unique and special in its own way, with different colors, shapes, and sizes.

In this garden, there were two little friends, Inse and Curity. Inse was a shy boy who liked to play with toys and read books. Curity was a confident girl who loved to dance and sing.

One day, Inse and Curity were playing together when they saw a new flower in the garden. This flower was different from all the others, with strange petals and colors that didn’t match.

Inse felt afraid and wanted to run away from the flower, but Curity was curious and wanted to go see it. When they got closer, they saw that the flower was sad and lonely because the other flowers didn’t want to play with it.

Curitydecided to befriend the new flower and play with it, and Inse decided to follow her lead. They showed the flower that they appreciated its differences and that it was just as special as all the other flowers in the garden.

Through this experience, Inse and Curity learned that everyone is different and that it’s important to appreciate those differences. They talked about how the voice of insecurity can make people feel afraid or unsure, but that it’s important to use the voice of security to be kind and accepting of others.

And so, the three friends continued to play together and enjoy the beauty of the garden, with all its unique and special flowers.


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