New Town, New Friends

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Inse and Curity were excited to move to a new town. They were going to live in a bigger house and explore a new neighborhood. But as the moving truck pulled up to their new house, Inse began to feel nervous. He was going to start at a new school and he didn’t know anyone.

Curity noticed Inse’s worry and reminded him about the five transformations. “Remember, Inse, we can use the voice of insecurity as amusement and inspiration,” she said.

Inse tried to think of what he could learn from his worries. “I can learn to be brave and make new friends,” he said, inspired.

As they unpacked their belongings, Inse’s worries grew. He was afraid that the kids at his new school wouldn’t like him. Curity sensed his fear and said, “We can use the voice of security to see the good things in life.”

Curity reminded Inse of all the new adventures they could have in their new town. They could explore the parks, try new foods, and meet new people.

On the first day of school, Inse felt nervous. Curity reminded him to be self-confident and inspired. “You’re amazing, Inse, and you’ll make lots of new friends today,” she said.

Inse took a deep breath and walked into his classroom. He saw kids talking and laughing with each other, and he felt left out. But he remembered the five transformations and decided to take action.

He walked up to a group of kids and introduced himself. They welcomed him with open arms and Inse felt a sense of relief. He made new friends just like Curity said he would.

After school, Inse and Curity went to explore their new neighborhood. They found a park with a playground and decided to play. As they were swinging on the swings, Inse said, “I’m glad we moved here. I wouldn’t have made these new friends if we didn’t.”

Curity smiled and said, “Life is all about good and bad things. Positive and negative things, good and evil, beautiful and ugly. Good and bad emotions. All are related and therefore in the fifth transformation people learn that the voice of insecurity and the voice of security will always be there. And as a person, you have to learn to live with both sides of life. So the best way to do this is by people learning that both inner voices have to become friends.”

Inse nodded, understanding the importance of befriending both his inner voices. He was grateful for Curity’s guidance and happy to have made new friends in their new town.

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