In a small village nestled in a green valley, there lived a young boy named Inse. Inse was a kind-hearted boy who loved to play sports. Every day he would practice his skills, dreaming of one day joining the sports team in his school.
One day, the school announced tryouts for the sports team. Inse was ecstatic and practiced harder than ever before. The day of the tryouts arrived, and Inse was confident that he would make the team.
However, when the list of the chosen players was posted on the school bulletin board, Inse’s name was not on it. He was devastated and felt very disappointed. Inse felt like he was not good enough and didn’t want to play sports anymore.
As Inse walked home, feeling sad and defeated, he saw his sister, Curity, waiting for him. She could see how disappointed Inse was and asked him what was wrong. Inse told her about the tryouts and how he didn’t make the team.
Curity listened attentively and told Inse that he shouldn’t be discouraged. She said that he should use the experience as inspiration to work harder and improve for the next tryouts. Inse didn’t understand how that could help him, but Curity explained that he could learn from his mistakes and practice harder, making him a better player.
Inse was unsure, but he trusted his sister’s advice. He slowly started to practice again, focusing on his weaknesses and building up his strengths. Every day he would practice with his sister, and she would encourage him to keep going.
The day of the next tryouts arrived, and Inse was nervous, but he remembered his sister’s words of inspiration. Inse worked hard and gave it his all. When the list of the chosen players was posted, Inse’s name was at the top of the list! Inse was overjoyed, and Curity was proud of him.
From that day on, Inse learned to handle disappointment and turn it into inspiration to improve himself. He also learned to listen to his sister’s advice and trust her guidance. Together they continued to practice, and Inse became a star player on the sports team.
And that is how Inse learned to overcome disappointment and become a better person.
The end.