“Inse and Curity’s First Day of School Adventure”

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The stories age 4+ are deliberately written in language that is understandable for parents. So extra explanation is (intentionally) required while read the bedtime story. This creates more intense parent-child relationship.

It was a bright and sunny day, and Inse and Curity were off to their first day of school. Inse was feeling a bit nervous because he didn’t know what to expect. On the other hand, Curity was excited to learn new things and make new friends.

As they arrived at school, they saw lots of children running around and playing. Inse’s tummy started to feel a bit funny, and he started to worry about making friends and being liked by his teacher.

Curity noticed Inse’s worried expression and asked, “What’s wrong, Inse? You seem a bit worried.”

Inse replied, “I don’t know. I just feel scared about going to school.”

Curity smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Inse. We can use the five transformations to help you feel better.”

Inse looked confused and asked, “What are the five transformations?”

Curity explained, “They are steps we can take to help us deal with our worries and fears. First, we ignore the voice of insecurity in our head. Second, we can use it as amusement and inspiration. Third, we listen to the voice of security and be self-confident. Fourth, we take action to make things better. And lastly, we befriend both the voice of insecurity and the voice of security.”

Inse listened carefully and nodded. He thought it sounded like a good idea.

As they entered the classroom, Inse was still feeling a bit worried. But Curity reminded him to ignore the voice of insecurity in his head and to use it as inspiration instead. Inse tried to think of things that he could learn from his worries and use them to inspire him to make new friends and try new things.

Throughout the day, Inse encountered different challenges. He struggled with math and didn’t know the answer to a question the teacher asked. He felt embarrassed and didn’t want to raise his hand to answer.

Curity noticed Inse’s discomfort and reminded him to listen to the voice of security and be self-confident. Inse took a deep breath and raised his hand. He answered the question correctly and felt proud of himself.

At recess, Inse felt a bit lonely because he didn’t know how to approach the other kids. Curity reminded him to take action and make the first move. Inse saw a group of kids playing tag and decided to join in. He ran around with the other children, laughing and having fun.

As the day came to a close, Inse felt tired but happy. He realized that by using the five transformations, he was able to overcome his fears and worries. He was proud of himself and couldn’t wait to go back to school the next day.

Curityand Inse walked home together, chatting about all the fun things they did that day. Inse couldn’t believe how much he had learned in just one day.

As they arrived home, Inse gave Curity a big hug and said, “Thank you for teaching me about the five transformations. I feel so much better now.”

Curity smiled and replied, “You did great today, Inse. You used the five transformations to overcome your worries and make new friends. I’m proud of you.”

Inse went to bed that night feeling happy and proud of himself. He couldn’t wait to use the five transformations in other areas of his life and see how they could help him overcome his fears and worries.

The End.

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