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Inse and Curity’s Big Talent Adventure

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The stories age 4+ are deliberately written in language that is understandable for parents. So extra explanation is (intentionally) required while reading the bedtime story. This creates more intense parent-child relationship.

One bright morning, Inse woke up feeling very nervous. He had an important talent show at school that day, and he didn’t think he had any talent to show. Inse had been listening to his voice of insecurity all week, and it was making him very scared.

Meanwhile, his older sister Curity was feeling excited. She loved talent shows and was looking forward to seeing what everyone would perform.

Inse and Curity had breakfast together, and Inse kept worrying about the talent show. Curity tried to reassure him by saying, “Everyone has a talent, Inse. You just have to find yours.”

But Inse wasn’t convinced. He didn’t think he was good at anything, and he was scared of embarrassing himself in front of the whole school.

As they walked to school, Inse and Curity saw lots of beautiful things in nature. They saw colorful flowers, chirping birds, and a big, blue sky. Curity pointed out all the things that made her feel happy and secure. Inse started to feel a little better, but he was still very nervous about the talent show.

When they arrived at school, Inse saw all his classmates practicing their talents. Some were singing, some were dancing, and some were even doing magic tricks. Inse felt like he didn’t belong.

Curity saw Inse feeling sad and came up with an idea. She asked Inse what he liked to do. Inse thought for a moment and then said, “I like to make funny faces in the mirror.”

Curity smiled and said, “That’s great, Inse! You have a talent for making people laugh. Why don’t you try that at the talent show?”

Inse was surprised. He had never thought of making funny faces as a talent before. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he did enjoy making people laugh.

With Curity’s encouragement, Inse practiced making funny faces in front of the mirror all day. He was still nervous, but he felt a little more confident now that he had a talent to show.

Finally, it was time for the talent show. Inse walked onto the stage, and his heart was pounding. He looked out into the audience and saw all his classmates smiling at him. Inse took a deep breath and started making funny faces.

At first, he was still a little nervous, but then he heard his classmates laughing. Inse felt happy and confident. He kept making more and more funny faces, and everyone was laughing harder and harder.

When Inse finished, everyone in the audience stood up and clapped. Inse felt proud of himself for the first time in a long time. He realized that he had a talent after all, and it was a special one that made people happy.

As Inse and Curity walked home from school, Inse was beaming with happiness. Curity asked him how he was feeling, and Inse said, “I’m so glad I found my talent. I never knew making funny faces could make people so happy.”

Curity smiled and said, “See, Inse? You just had to listen to your voice of security and believe in yourself.”

Inse looked up at his sister and said, “Thanks for helping me, Curity. You’re the best.”

And with that, Inse and Curity arrived home, ready for their next big adventure.

The End.

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