As the sun began to set and the stars twinkled in the sky, Inse and Curity were getting ready for bed. They brushed their teeth, put on their pajamas, and snuggled up in their cozy beds.
Inse was feeling a little worried about something that had happened earlier in the day. He had been playing with his tablet and had seen some strange things online. He didn’t know if he should tell anyone about it or if he had done something wrong.
Curity noticed that Inse seemed worried and asked him what was on his mind. Inse explained what had happened, and Curity listened carefully. She knew exactly what to do.
“Let’s use the five transformations to figure out what we can do to stay safe online,” Curity said with a smile.
Inse didn’t know what the five transformations were, so Curity explained them to him. She told him that everyone has two voices in their head – the voice of insecurity and the voice of security. The voice of insecurity is the one that makes you feel worried or scared, while the voice of security helps you feel confident and safe.
“First, we need to ignore the voice of insecurity,” Curity said. “We don’t want it to control us.”
Inse nodded his head, and Curity continued. “Next, we can use the voice of insecurity as amusement and inspiration. That means we can learn from it and use it to make good decisions.”
Inse was starting to feel better already. “What’s the third transformation?” he asked.
“The third transformation is to listen to the voice of security,” Curity said. “That means we should always trust our instincts and know what is right and wrong. We should always be safe online.”
Inse was feeling more confident now. “What about the fourth transformation?” he asked.
Curity smiled. “That’s when we take action. We make sure we are safe online by only talking to people we know and trust, and not sharing personal information with strangers.”
Inse was feeling much better now. “What’s the fifth transformation?” he asked.
“The fifth transformation is to befriend the two voices,” Curity said. “That means we should accept that both the voice of insecurity and the voice of security will always be with us. We just need to make sure we listen to the right one.”
Inse was feeling much better now that he understood the five transformations. He thanked Curity for teaching him about online safety and responsible social media use.
Together, Inse and Curity closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, knowing that they were safe and protected. And Inse felt happy knowing that he had learned something new that would help him stay safe online.
The End.