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Inse and Curity: Making New Friends

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The stories age 4+ are deliberately written in language that is understandable for parents. So extra explanation is (intentionally) required while reading the bedtime story. This creates more intense parent-child relationship.

Once upon a time, in a magical land filled with colorful flowers and towering trees, there lived a young boy named Inse and his older sister, Curity. Inse was a shy and quiet boy, who often found it difficult to make new friends. Curity, on the other hand, was outgoing and confident, and always had a group of friends around her.

One bright and sunny day, as Inse was walking through the forest, he saw a group of children playing and having fun. He wanted to join them, but the voice of insecurity in his head was telling him that he wasn’t good enough and that the other children wouldn’t want to be his friend.

But Curity, who was watching from a distance, saw that her brother was feeling left out. She approached Inse and asked him what was wrong. Inse explained that he wanted to play with the other children but was afraid of being rejected.

Curity reminded Inse about the first transformation, to ignore the voice of insecurity, and suggested that they use the second transformation, to find inspiration and amusement in what the voice of insecurity was saying. She told Inse to imagine the voice of insecurity as a funny little monster that was trying to stop him from having fun.

As they walked towards the group of children, Inse started to feel more confident and less afraid. Curity encouraged him to use the third transformation, to let himself be guided by the voice of security, and reminded him of all his good qualities and strengths.

Inse approached the children and introduced himself. They welcomed him with open arms and invited him to join in their game. Inse was delighted and started to have fun with his new friends.

As the day came to an end, Inse and Curity walked back home, talking about the day’s events. Inse realized that by using the four transformations, he was able to overcome his fears and make new friends.

Curity reminded Inse that life is all about good and bad things, and that the fifth transformation is to befriend the two inner voices. Inse learned that it’s okay to have the voice of insecurity, but he doesn’t have to listen to it all the time. He can use the voice of security to overcome his fears and make new friends.

And from that day on, Inse became more confident and was able to make many new friends.

The end.

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