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Inse and Curity: Embracing Our Inner Voices.

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The stories age 4+ are deliberately written in language that is understandable for parents. So extra explanation is (intentionally) required while reading the bedtime story. This creates more intense parent-child relationship.

One starry night, as the moon shone bright, a little boy named Inse tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn’t sleep as he was worried about fitting in with the other kids at school. Inse was scared that they wouldn’t like him for who he was.

Just then, his big sister Curity came into his room. She noticed that Inse was upset and asked him what was wrong. Inse explained how he felt and how he was scared to be different from the other kids.

Curity hugged him and said, “Inse, being different is what makes you special. You don’t have to change who you are to fit in with others. You are perfect just the way you are.”

Inse was confused and asked her how he could believe that. Curity smiled and said, “Let me teach you the five transformations.”

She then explained each transformation to Inse, starting with the first one: ignoring the voice of insecurity. She told Inse that the voice in his head that made him feel bad was not real and that he could choose to ignore it.

As Inse listened to his sister, he began to feel a sense of relief. He realized that he didn’t have to listen to the voice of insecurity.

Curitythen explained the second transformation, using the voice of insecurity as amusement and inspiration. She showed Inse how he could use his insecurities as a source of inspiration to do better and to be stronger.

The third transformation was about listening to the voice of security. Curity told Inse to focus on the positive thoughts and feelings that he had, and to let those guide him instead of the negative ones.

Inse felt better already, but Curity wasn’t done yet. She explained the fourth transformation: taking action. She told Inse that he had the power to make changes in his life and to take action towards his goals.

Finally, Curity talked about the fifth transformation, befriending the two inner voices. She told Inse that it was important to understand that there would always be good and bad things in life, and that he had to learn to accept and befriend both the voice of insecurity and the voice of security.

Inse was amazed at how much he had learned from his sister. He felt more confident and ready to face the challenges ahead.

As they hugged each other, Inse whispered, “Thank you, Curity. I love you.”

Curity smiled and replied, “I love you too, Inse. Remember, you are special just the way you are.”

With those words of encouragement, Inse drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

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